What to Ask Before Hiring a Sealcoating Contractor

Asphalt pavements have much to offer. They are long-lasting, attractive, and economical, and fast to install. Repairs are also quick and economical. However, unless they receive the proper paving maintenance, asphalt pavements suffer from premature deterioration that affects their looks and longevity. Sealcoating is an essential part of maintaining an asphalt pavement.

What to Ask Before Hiring a Sealcoating Contractor

Why Asphalt Sealcoating Matters

Quality sealcoating has been shown to add many years to the useful life of asphalt pavement. Without asphalt sealing, your pavement could need to be rebuilt in as few as seven or eight years. Sealcoating Atlanta pavements on a regular schedule can help them last 20 years or more by protecting against UV rays, automotive fluids, water infiltration, and other damage sources.

What Type of Questions Should I Ask an Asphalt Contractor I Am Considering for a Sealcoating Project?

In general, you want to know about his experience, reputation, equipment, and staffing. You will want references that you can check, proof of his workers’ comp and liability insurance, and an itemized quote. He should be able to explain every step in the sealcoating process to your satisfaction, so the following questions can help you determine his knowledge and transparency.

What Sealant Will You Use?

You want to know the brand name and type of sealant, but you also want him to explain why he plans to use it. What are its benefits? What are its drawbacks? Does he always use this sealant? A right contractor will know everything about his choice, and he will be happy to explain his reasoning to you.

What Is Your Plan for Controlling Traffic?

Traffic control may not be much of an issue when sealcoating a small residential driveway. Still, it can be a major issue when sealcoating a massive parking lot or the main thoroughfare in a subdivision. He must have a plan to control traffic to ensure his workers’ safety and everyone walking or driving nearby. Experienced paving maintenance contractors will have at least a general idea of how they will control traffic and the equipment needed to do so.

What Can You Tell Me About the Equipment You Use for Asphalt Sealing?

Good equipment is not cheap, so a reputable asphalt contractor makes sure that it is properly serviced and maintained. They will be proud to discuss their agitating mixers’ characteristics, for example, or the care they give their sprayers.

What Is Your Sealcoating Mix?

In addition to the sealant, the mix should contain water, sand, and any special additives needed. Each ingredient should be in the proper amount to meet or exceed the specifications provided by the sealant manufacturer. Once you know the brand and type, you can compare the contractor’s mix to the specifications listed on the manufacturer’s website.

How Will You Prepare My Pavement for Sealcoating?

Like many tasks, proper preparation is critical for quality results. Your candidate should include asphalt crack repair, thorough cleaning of the pavement, treatment of oil and automotive fluid stains, and a primer’s application if needed. He may also need to trim the grass or other vegetation that might interfere with the sealant application.

Since I Need to Reopen My Pavement Quickly, Will You Apply One Thick Coat Instead of Two Separate Quotes?

This is a trick question. Any sealcoating contractor who agrees to do this deserves to be crossed off your list. Thick coats do not cure correctly, and even after the surface seems dry, the underlying sealant will remain liquid and continue to flow. About the best you can hope for is a surface marred by cracks, wrinkles, and flakes.

If I Must Have the Work Performed on a Specific Day, Will You Guarantee to Sealcoat My Pavement on That Exact Date?

This is another trick question. Professional, reputable contractors do their very best to meet a customer’s schedule, but they have no control over the weather. Contractors monitor extended forecasts carefully, but forecasts are not always accurate. An unexpected thunderstorm or cold snap can prevent a successful sealcoating job. Any contractor who is willing to guarantee that the work will be done on a day that is two weeks in the future is incompetent, unscrupulous, or both.

Why Choose MH Greeson?

If you want a company specializing in asphalt maintenance, choose MH Greeson.  We use quality materials, employ highly qualified team members, charge affordable prices, and have an impeccable reputation. We serve most of North Georgia, including the greater Atlanta area. Our services include asphalt sealcoating, asphalt crack repair, traffic sign installation, asphalt pothole repair, bollard installation, parking lot striping and marking, and car stop installation. For a free quote, you can either call us at 770-335-2983 or fill out the online request form.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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