Virtually everyone likes to save money when they make a purchase. However, many people also like to save money after the purchase by obtaining the longest, most trouble-free life from the product. When that product is a capital asset, it makes good business sense to take proper care of it. One effective way to prolong the life of your parking lot is through a proactive program of asphalt maintenance that includes sealcoating.
Why Should Sealcoating Be Part of My Asphalt Maintenance Plan for My Parking Lot?
There is a very good chance that the contractor who provided your asphalt paving services recommended sealcoating the pavement as soon as the curing process was complete. Depending on the time of year, this could have been as little as three months or as long as 12 months. Your asphalt company was not trying to entice you to buy an unnecessary service. Sealcoating has been shown to frequently double the life of asphalt paving. Furthermore, sealed pavements require less frequent and less expensive repairs. When performed as part of an effective parking lot maintenance program, sealcoating blocks ultraviolet radiation, helps prevent automotive fluids from penetrating to the asphalt, and improves the pavement’s ability to withstand water damage.
Besides Sealcoating, What Should an Asphalt Maintenance Program Include?
You should ask your contractor to make any needed parking lot repair as soon as the damage occurs. Potholes and cracks will virtually always keep growing until they are repaired. Breaks in your pavement will allow water to penetrate to the supporting base, leading to erosion and destabilization. In turn, more potholes and cracks will form, subsidence can occur, and alligator cracking can develop. Instead of paying for an economical parking lot repair to mend a few cracks, you could soon be paying substantially more for an overlay or even a total reconstruction. Other things that you should include in your parking lot maintenance program include refreshing your striping and pavement markings, replacing or repairing damaged signs, checking for clogged drains, and replacing any damaged wheel stops.
How Often Should I Schedule Asphalt Maintenance for My Parking Lot?
There are many variables that can affect your scheduling. However, in general, most asphalt paving contractors recommend that you sealcoat your parking lot and repaint your markings about every two years. However, if either your markings or sealcoating becomes damaged, you may need to call your contractor sooner. Your pavement should be inspected every six months so that you can call your asphalt company to repair any cracks or potholes. Damaged wheel stops and signs should be addressed when they are revealed during your inspection. Drainage issues should also be corrected as soon as they arise.
For the Best Parking Lot Maintenance, Contact MH Greeson
MH Greeson Paving is a highly regarded asphalt company serving commercial customers throughout North Georgia. Our services include sealcoating, asphalt paving, parking lot signage, ADA compliance, parking lot marking and striping, asphalt crack repair, bollard installations, pothole repairs, and wheel stops. We have built our remarkable reputation by delivering high-quality work and exemplary service on every job. If you are interested in requesting a free quote, you can either fill out the online form or call 770-335-2983.