Commercial Asphalt Paving Skills

When you need any type of commercial construction project handled, you probably look for companies that have built similar projects. After all, the skills needed to build a cabin in the woods are not the same skills required to build a 20-story office building. However, some people are not aware that experience also matters when selecting a contractor for a commercial asphalt paving project. A contractor who has only installed residential driveways, for example, may lack the knowledge and skills to install a parking lot. Although there are some similarities between residential and commercial paving, there are also many differences.

Commercial Asphalt Paving Skills Require More Equipment

The equipment needed for commercial paving projects tends to be quite expensive, so many new asphalt contractors initially focus on residential paving. Furthermore, commercial paving usually requires pieces of equipment that are not necessarily needed for residential paving. An asphalt contractor who has no experience in the installation of commercial pavements may not have the equipment needed for the project. He may try to “make do” with the wrong equipment or perform work manually that should be handled by a machine. The quality of the job will suffer; the results typically will not look as good or last as long.

Material Selection Is Complicated

Many people believe that “asphalt is asphalt.” They think that paving contractors apply the same product to driveways, highways, parking lots and city streets. In reality, asphalt manufacturers have developed a variety of asphalt products and special mixes. Different asphalt mixes have different properties. For example, there are mixes that offer a smoother ride, shed runoff better or provide a quieter ride. An experienced paving contractor may choose different mixes for the different layers of asphalt, but many residential contractors only use one type of mix for the entire project.

Details Are More Important for Commercial Projects

Whether they install residential or commercial pavements, reputable contractors pay attention to every detail that could affect the appearance, performance or longevity of the finished pavement. However, commercial paving contractors have more details to consider than residential contractors. Furthermore, if a detail is overlooked on a commercial project, the consequences can be much more severe. For example, most commercial projects require multiple truckloads of asphalt. These deliveries must be timed properly to ensure that the asphalt is on the site precisely when it is needed. Contractors handling small residential projects never have to deal with this issue or do so only rarely. For commercial asphalt contractors, however, the delivery schedule is a routine part of the project.

Design Differences Abound

There is not a great deal involved in the design of a typical driveway. Much more attention has to be given to the design of a parking lot. How many access points will there be? What kind of runoff will the lot receive from the surrounding terrain? How many vehicles will be using the parking lot every day? How much will each vehicle weigh? Upon what type of soil is the parking lot to be constructed? How many catch basins or storm drains are needed? Where should drains and basins be located?

Once the contractor knows the answers to the first set of questions, there are even more questions to be answered. He will need to decide on the proper depth to make the base, the correct grade for the substrate, the number of asphalt layers required and the best mix for each layer. He will also need to determine the types of equipment needed and how many of each type will be required to complete the job in a timely manner. In addition, he must select the crew members who will be working on the project and arrange to have his equipment transported to the site.

When You Need Commercial Asphalt Paving

MH Greeson Paving is a paving contractor with extensive experience in both commercial and residential asphalt paving. Our services include asphalt paving, seal coating, crack repair, parking lot striping, asphalt patching and the installation of pavement markings, traffic signs, car stops and bollards. Our highly qualified crews deliver quality work that looks better and lasts longer, but our rates are extremely reasonable. If you would like to receive a free quote, call (770) 335-2983 or complete our handy online form.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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