Considerations for Industrial Asphalt Paving

Experienced asphalt contractors know that no two jobs are identical. For example, they would never use the same methods to install black top on a residential cul-de-sac as they would use on a busy interstate. By the same token, they know that installing asphalt pavement at industrial facilities requires meeting different demands from most other projects.

Considerations for Industrial Asphalt Paving -What Types of Facilities Are Required

The best way to determine whether your project requires special attention is to ask a reputable contractor to visit your site and make recommendations. However, the following list covers the most common areas that need to be specially designed to support the traffic they will encounter.

• Loading docks and loading zones
• Areas around dumpsters
• Bus terminals
• Parking lots for heavy equipment, busses or tractor-trailers
• Access lanes for fully loaded trucks, busses, dumpster trucks or heavy equipment

What are Some of the Design Factors to be Considered?

When designed asphalt pavements for industrial areas, contractors will determine the answers to many questions. These include the following questions.

• What are the weights and the number of heavy vehicles expected to use the area?
• At what speed will they be moving?
• Will they be parked at any time, and if so, for how long?
• Does the area have proper drainage?
• What type of soil underlies the area?

After determining these answers, the contractor can then calculate how thick the asphalt pavement will need to be to satisfy the demand. He will also design the proper base and sub-base.

What Other Recommendations Might the Contractor Make?

One thing your contractor is sure to recommend is sealcoating. A leading cause of premature deterioration of asphalt pavement is petro-chemical spills. Diesel, lubricating oils, gas, brake fluid and similar leaks can destroy the integrity of asphalt pavement. Sealcoating slows the penetration of these fluids. Your contractor may also recommend gutters and/or curbs or other storm water management additions to facilitate drainage and help protect your pavement.

The professionals at MH Greeson Paving have extensive experience with projects that require special attention to the details, such as those described above. We are committed to offering affordable rates while still providing exceptional results. We serve customers in the Atlanta metropolitan area as well as many locations throughout North Georgia. Our services include asphalt paving, pavement marking, asphalt repair, sealcoating, parking lot markings and many other related services. We offer free quotes via our online form, or you can call us at 770-335-2983.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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