Choose Crackfilling for Your Pavement This Fall

Although cracks will inevitably develop in asphalt pavement, they should never be ignored. Cracks pose a major threat to the integrity of the pavement as well as to the pavement’s foundation. Water enters through cracks in the pavement and destabilizes the foundation. The cracks grow deeper and expand in width and length, allowing more water to infiltrate. Potholes form, and vast areas of the pavement can develop alligator cracking. In a surprisingly brief time, the pavement and its foundation can become so compromised that a complete reconstruction may be the only solution. If your budget allows you to perform only one paving maintenance procedure this fall, you should focus on having the cracks in your asphalt pavement repaired.

Choose Crackfilling for Your Pavement This Fall

Why Is Asphalt Crack Repair Especially Important in the Fall?

One of the strengths of asphalt pavement is its flexibility. It can flex to respond to traffic, and it expands in hot weather and contracts in cold weather. During the fall, the cracks tend to be at or near the midpoint of contracting and expanding, which can make repairs more effective. Furthermore, if there is any water trapped beneath the pavement, it can freeze during the winter months, and additional damage can be inflicted on the foundation and the pavement by the expanding ice.

Is Asphalt Crack Sealing Better Than Crackfilling?

There are several materials and methods from which an asphalt paving company can choose when repairing cracks. The type of crack, the pavement’s usage, the overall condition of the pavement, and the environmental conditions at the time of the repair can all be factors that the contractor considers when recommending whether to seal or fill cracks. Therefore, you should consult the contractor handling your pavement or parking lot maintenance for advice. As a rule, sealing is best for working cracks. It is also slightly more expensive than filling, but it may be more cost-effective in the long run since sealers usually last longer than fillers.

Regardless of the product and method chosen, the asphalt contractor must ensure that the correct process is followed. The crack should be thoroughly cleaned with a compressor or blower to remove accumulations of dirt or trash, and any live vegetation will need to be removed. It may be necessary to use a router to smooth the interior of the crack for better adhesion. The interior of the crack should not be retaining any moisture, so the contractor may need to take steps to ensure that the interior is completely dry. Furthermore, the contractor should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for acceptable environmental conditions, including air and ground temperatures.

Why MH Greeson Is the Right Choice for Your Asphalt Paving Maintenance

MH Greeson is a reputable, experienced paving company that specializes in parking lot maintenance. Our services include asphalt crack repair, pavement striping and marking, sealcoating, parking lot striping and asphalt repair. We also install car stops, bollards and traffic signs. We have built our impeccable reputation by consistently delivering high-quality work at competitive rates. If you will call 770-335-2983 or submit the online form, we would be happy to give you a free quote.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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