Is It Too Cold To Pave?

This question omits a critical phrase and would perhaps be better stated as, information pills “Is it too cold to pave and expect satisfactory results?” If it is too cold, the asphalt will lose its heat too rapidly, making it impossible to compact it sufficiently. It is also far more likely to have an uneven, unattractive appearance. Worst of all, its life will be relatively short.  Most asphalt paving in Atlanta is almost year-around; however, December through March could be risky.

Is It Too Cold To Pave?

So, at what point does “cold” become “too cold”? Some asphalt contractors stop paving if the air temperature is less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. However, there are other things that must be considered as they may increase or decrease the acceptable range for air temperatures.

1. Is the ground frozen? If so, it will probably be impossible to pave, no matter what the air temperature might be. First, you cannot compact frozen ground properly, which means you cannot achieve the necessary compaction of the asphalt. In addition, the cold ground will rapidly draw the heat out of the asphalt, making it impossible for the crew to work it.
2. Is the application to be a thin layer or a thick one? Thick layers lose heat slower than thin ones, so they can often be applied under conditions that would be unacceptable for a thin application.
3. Is the project small enough in scope to make infrared asphalt repair techniques viable? Infrared asphalt repair is a method that uses a hotbox and infrared heater to keep asphalt at the proper temperature on the job site and while in transit between the plant and the site. This method allows contractors to fix potholes, fill cracks or perform other relatively small-scale operations under conditions that would be extremely difficult (if not impossible) otherwise.
4. Is it raining? During the summer months, a light, scattered rain normally is not justification for halting a paving job although many contractors will not start a new project under those conditions. However, as the temperature drops, the effects of any precipitation can be magnified. Even a sprinkling of rain can cause asphalt temperatures to plummet below acceptable levels.

The professionals at MH Greeson have extensive experience paving in Atlanta in all seasons and under all combinations of conditions. We offer a wide range of services, including pavement installation, asphalt crack repair, sealcoating, parking lot striping , and asphalt repair in Atlanta and the surrounding areas. You can request a free quote by submitting our convenient online form, or if you prefer, you can reach us at (770)335-2983.

MH Greeson Paving is the experts in asphalt maintenance in Atlanta and the metropolitan area!

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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