Common Problems When Your Parking Lot Striping Lines Are Old & Faded

Common Problems When Your Parking Lot Striping Lines Are Old & FadedCommon Problems When Your Parking Lot Striping Lines Are Old & Faded

Parking lot striping lines last for several years, but they’ll eventually fade over time as they are exposed to the outdoor elements. Generally, you’ll need to start budgeting for the parking lot striping cost once the lines lose 25% of their visibility or more. Since it can sometimes be hard to know exactly when to restripe parking lot areas, we offer inspections to let you know when it is time. Arranging for parking lot striping helps you avoid these common problems that occur once the lines fade.

Can You Receive a Fine for Faded Parking Lot Striping Lines?

As the owner or manager of a property that is open to the public, you have a responsibility to maintain a safe parking area. The federal ADA guidelines require parking lot striping and pavement markings to meet specific criteria. If the lanes are faded to the point it impacts their visibility, then you could face fines or penalties until you arrange for parking lot painting.

Will Customers Notice When You Restripe Parking Lot Areas?

Lot striping in Atlanta provides properties with an instant boost to the curb appeal. Considering that the parking lot is one of the largest outdoor features of your property, you can trust that people will notice when you’ve redone the Atlanta parking lot striping. Parking lot painting could even bring in new customers who are eager to visit a business that cares about the community.

Are Old Parking Lot Lines Causing Frequent Accidents On Your Property?

Atlanta parking lot striping can also help your company avoid being held liable for accidents. Avoiding costly lawsuits helps to offset the parking lot striping cost, and your customers will feel safer visiting your property. If there’s been an increase in accidents at your business, then mention this to our team. We can assess the pavement to see where doing parking lot painting could improve the traffic flow on your property to stop vehicle collisions.

How Can Atlanta Parking Lot Striping Increase Sales?

When parking lot striping increases the visual appeal of your property, more customers will be encouraged to visit your business. Our crew can also potentially use lot striping in Atlanta to create more space for a flood of customers to park. Old and faded parking lot striping lines are a sign that it might have been a while since you last arranged for the service. Our team might be able to reconfigure the layout before we restripe parking lot spaces to increase capacity on your lot.

Receive Expert Advice On Updating Your Lot Striping In Atlanta

Our team at MH Greeson is up-to-date on the most recent regulations for ADA compliance, and we are known for helping local businesses stay in compliance with Atlanta parking lot striping. We can also bundle other routine services into the parking lot striping cost. Expanding the parking lot with asphalt paving is an option to reduce overcrowding. We can also enhance safety with directional pavement markings and make the new striping stand out against a freshly sealcoated background. If the parking lot striping is old, then you might also want to replace traffic signs, car stops and bollards. To get a free quote on all of your parking lot care needs, give us a call today at 770-335-2983 or submit our online form.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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