How Long Does Parking Lot Striping Paint Take to Dry?

How Long Does Parking Lot Striping Paint Take to Dry?How Long Does Parking Lot Striping Paint Take to Dry?How Long Does Parking Lot Striping Paint Take to Dry?Parking Lot Striping Paint In today’s competitive market, you cannot afford to let your parking lot go without the proper care, and parking lot striping is part of that care. Faded, damaged paint can negatively affect the safety of your parking lot as well as your property’s curb appeal. However, since you want to reopen your parking lot quickly, it is understandable that you may be wondering how long it will take the paint to dry. If your contractor uses a water-based paint, it may feel dry within 20 or 30 minutes, but it will not be ready for vehicles until it has had an hour or more to dry. It is impossible to provide a more accurate estimate because drying time can be affected by other factors, the most significant of which is the weather.

How Does Weather Affect the Drying Time of Road Striping and Parking Lot Paint?

If you have an asphalt pavement, your lot striping contractor will likely recommend a water-based paint. These paints dry by evaporating their moisture, and, as you may already know, the rates of evaporation are primarily controlled by environmental conditions. Heat speeds up evaporation, high humidity levels slow evaporation, and wind can increase evaporation by moving saturated air away from the wet paint. Therefore, if your asphalt striping contractor applies your paint when the temperature is 60 degrees, the humidity level is 80%, and the wind is absent, the drying time will be longer than if the temperature is 90 degrees, the humidity is around 50%, and a light wind is blowing.

What Else Might Affect the Drying Time for Parking Lot Striping Paint?

If you are looking strictly at drying time, the type of paint is as critical a factor as the weather. Water-based paints will dry faster than oil-based paints, and there are water- and oil-based specialty paints that can accelerate or lengthen the drying time. However, if you are asking how long your parking lot will need to be closed for striping, other factors must be considered. For example, if your parking lot is new, your lot striping contractor may have to apply two or more coats of paint to make up for the paint absorbed by the new pavement, so this could lengthen your closing time. If you are repainting after asphalt sealcoating, you should include the drying time for the sealcoat. You should also include the time your contractor will need to make any needed asphalt repair prior to sealcoating or striping.

How Often Should I Need Fresh Parking Lot Striping and Marking?

On average, parking lots in North Georgia need to be repainted about every two years, but you may need asphalt striping less often or more frequently. One way to tell whether your pavement marking and striping paint needs to be refreshed is to take a critical look at it. If the paint’s vibrancy has declined by more than 25% of its original visibility, the paint is peeling or bubbled, or your markings are badly stained or damaged, you should consider calling your striping contractor. Since sealcoats cover painted stripes and pavement markings, you will also need to repaint after asphalt sealcoating.

Trust the Care of Your Parking Lot to MH Greeson

We are a Marietta paving company specializing in the repair and maintenance of asphalt pavements. In addition to pavement marking and striping, we offer asphalt sealcoating, ADA compliance, traffic sign and bollard installations, asphalt repair, car stops, asphalt paving, and asphalt crack repair. We have an exceptional reputation that is based on our superior craftsmanship, exemplary service, and reasonable rates. Contact us today for a free quote by either submitting our online request form or calling 770-335-2983.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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