Should I Consider Fresh Atlanta Pavement Markings for My Asphalt Parking Lot?

Should I Consider Fresh Pavement Markings for My Asphalt Parking Lot?Taking care of your asphalt parking lot requires remembering when to schedule essential maintenance services such as sealcoating. But, you might be curious about when you should add fresh Atlanta pavement markings to a new lot or update the existing ones. Asking a few simple questions can help you determine when to contact our markings contractor to improve the appearance and safety of your parking lot.

What Types of Markings Should My Parking Lot Have?

Every asphalt parking lot is different, but you’ll commonly see several types of markings on most properties. Crosswalks are typically placed in front of shops where people will need to cross the main parking lot entrance to get into a store. Atlanta pavement markings also include symbols that indicate ADA parking spaces along with fire zones.

At What Point Should You Refresh Pavement Markings?

Pavement markings in Atlanta are subject to fading from the sun and exposure to friction from traffic. Most properties need to refresh the markings every couple of years, and you’ll need to update parking lot striping and ADA markings as soon as they lose around a quarter of their visibility.

Will Atlanta Markings Eliminate Safety Hazards In My Parking Lot?

Asphalt paving lot companies can observe the traffic patterns in your parking lot to determine where to put road markings to increase safety. For instance, it might be time to revise the layout to include special spaces for loading online orders. Or, you may need to add a crosswalk to accommodate an uptick in pedestrian and cyclist traffic.

Do Asphalt Paving Lot Companies Help Ensure ADA-Compliance?

Many Atlanta pavement markings are required to comply with federal laws. On top of having parking stalls that meet the size and number standards, you’ll also want to make sure they are clearly marked. Traffic signs help show people where the ADA-compliant spaces are located. We can also add ADA symbols on the pavement to fully delineate where accessible parking is located.

When you’re worried about ADA compliance, you’ll also want to think about other laws and local ordinances. For example, your property may be required to have a fire zone with special pavement markings that indicate to drivers that it is a no-parking zone.

Choose a Local Company to Create Fresh Pavement Markings

MH Greeson Paving is an experienced, local pavement markings contractor that knows how to ensure compliance with local and federal laws. On top of our knack for ensuring ADA compliance, we’ll also create bright, long-lasting parking lot striping and pavement marking lines. When we inspect your property, we’ll also let you know if it’s time to redo the markings after asphalt paving, repairs and parking lot maintenance. When safety is your biggest concern, we can add bollards, car stops and traffic signs to reinforce the information our markings convey. To get a free quote, give us a call at 770-335-2983 or fill out our online form.

MH Greeson Paving

We are an accredited Asphalt Maintenance Company serving the Atlanta Metro area. Our jobs last longer and look better, which translates to significant value-added savings.

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